Buying “Off Plan”

Property Development

Our experienced lawyers have taken a particularly interest in assisting builders and property developers in property developing over many years.

Sale by way of an “Off-Plan” contract is an important tool used by many property developers not only to secure buyers to help establish certainty but also to assist in sourcing funding to finance the development.

Our lawyers possess many years of experience in this area. We can assist builders and property developers with their developments, including assistance with the purchase of the development site, subdivisions, strata titling, preparation of “off plan” contract documentation and the sale of the properties, once developed. Don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a consultation with our experienced lawyers.

Buying “Off Plan”

As our lawyers possess many years of experience assisting property developers with preparing “Off Plan” contract documentaiton, we are well equiped to assist buyers who are purchasing a property “off the plan”.

Buying off the plan essentially means buying a property that does not “legally” exist at the time of entering into the contract. The contracts involved in buying off the plan are much more complex and substantially larger than the standard REIQ contracts commonly used. It is always recommended that you obtain legal advice before your enter into an “off plan” purchase. Don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a consultation with our experienced lawyers.

Disclaimer: This is general information only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Individual circumstances may differ.